Monday 23 February 2015

I expect that the name Rifkind must now become an astonishment

 posted in the comment section of the article by By Steven Swinford, and Christopher Hope
in the  Toadygraph   this morning  23 Feb 2015


I expect that the name Rifkind must now become an astonishment, a byword for an oaf with " every British ambassador in the world "

just as surely as it became so many years since with the disbelieving electors of Edinburgh Pentlands who knew a a useless twerp when they saw one and could not but spurn his self serving advances as unworthy.

That Toadies valued his character for precisely the same reasons that he was scorned in Scotland and rewarded his failure with the safest Toady seat in the Kingdom tells much of this sad and sorry tale, of the advance of the Toadies
and of the decline and fall of Blighty

And by the by, wherein consists this " Radar" beneath which Straw boats so proudly of his abilities to pass ?

beyond whose sight do his operations lie?

What other than the rule of law can be this "radar" that it is his practice to evade ?

His volition can construe as little but conspiracy to subvert the squalid EU laws he had no scruple to foist upon us

That little remaining volition was naught but the propagation of an illegal war by patent lies which he knew to be lies as he made them up, along with the rest of the criminal war-mongers in Blairs' cabinet,
Primarily those heroes of Project Fear ; Darling and Brown.

Sunday 22 February 2015

The Interminable Dreariness of the Charles Moores

life is but a breeze for the Camerons of this dying nation ;
cosseted, privilaged, in the right clubs, in the know, in power but quite incapable of ruling in the national interest as they percieve that to be nothing but having themselves in their rightful place : at the top of the pile .
Impotent men of destiny, clever men of unparralled stupidity, " successful" politicians.
all with a numbing, petulant blasé air of indifference born of such an easy attainment .
That all three party leaders are of this same mold is no mere coincidence.
That is the fault of the Charles Moores,
let them bear their share of the blame that the British state could become the plaything of unaccomplished, self regarding, self satisified fools ; they it was who invented and welcomed the culture of insane hatred of everything British known as Thatcherism, to be replaced by consultants, quangos corporate rule and whose hand signed the death warrant of the British State, ( once plundered to their own profit and satisfaction) : the Single European Act .
Even now I doubt they see themselves for the failures that they so rottenly are

Saturday 14 February 2015

To be free and British is but a memory

comment this morning in the Spectator article by Nick Cohen about Cameron and understanding the British...

..." David Cameron’s one law for the rich shows he doesn’t understand the British "

I wonder whether anything remains that is recognisably British ?

Anything at least that could not be betrayed stolen and sold off at a knockdown price to feed the Thatcherite Tory infestation ?

I think that the Thatcherite Tories understood the British well enough.

Sufficient at least to infest the British body politic with their parasitical worm of crony capitalism, to give life to their hatred and unbounded greed , to feed upon our state as they hollowed it out from the inside 'till only a dying shell remains.

A strange Island inhabited by fear-filled, defeated cheated powerless, voiceless willing villainy, fit only for the endless enui, the living torment that is their EU Project.

To be free and British is but a memory, of a time when the British were distinctive,

recognisable at once by our buildings, ships, locomotives, cars, paintings, art, literature, books, films, music, theatre clothes and language...all, oddly, fatally, despised by Thatcher and her army of Tory spivs.

They won, and now, nothing much remains of the British as we were,

as an indomitable people that believed in ourselves.

But the Scots, and, perhaps, the English, may yet fight for democracy,
for self determination and civilisation,
the restoration of the Kingdoms where people were sovereign, and wherein the common people defend the common weal against parasitic infections like Cameron and the Toady parliament in Westminster.

Friday 6 February 2015

Project Fear fears free speech and the outbreak of democracy in Greece

Cochranes' campaign of  poison in the  decaying remains of the Telegraph as it dies  of its own lies sometimes yet allows comments, presumably to attract readers  to the site...

these comments are inevitably likely to be of far greater interest to the average reader than the gormless crude  propaganda which the editors strive to present as journalism, so they cannot be tolerated for long, not least because they shine the light of truth into their dark and dreary world of fear

So what can they do, if they cannot bear to allow truthful comments?

Their solution is simply to remove the link to the comments after a day or so, that way, presumably they contrive to attract page views  and then in effect stab the commenters in the back and scuttle away like Cochrane-roaches...

So herewith, for the record, and for what it may be worth, is my comment to Cochranes' contribution to Project Fear on the 5th Feb 15 ;


The coming week may decide the election, if the EU bare their malicious fangs and show their contempt for civilisation.

Faced with a desperate act of self determination and sovereign statehood acting for the common weal in rebellion against their corporate fascism , can they do other than crush the uprising of democracy in Greece ?

In fact, they have only one real instrument of war and destruction with which to rule : de facto, if unwarranted control of the banking system.

This morning comes the threat to cause the finiancial failure of Greece by their usual political thuggery, the inequitable destruction of the Greek banks to bring the curs to heel, just as Project Fear did to the faint hearts of Scotland

I hope and pray that the Greeks are made of sterner stuff than us and do not bow before such evil but have the courage to stand and fight for democracy.

Perhaps the Chinese ( yet nominal Commies) could buy Greece , bail out their banks, with the loose change in one of their current accounts.

They might like to show the world how immeasurably more corupt but less able to be effective economically, let alone democratically are Junker and the corporate stooges that run the EU as a faux, would be superpower.

If that comes to pass, if the Greek uprising is crushed and the EU corporate tanks roll without mercy over the people, to no purpose other than endless austerity for the masses and unearned power and riches for unelected bureaucrats, I expect many will see the light and support in Blighty for Westminsters' craven obeisance to that evil Project will only further diminish the standing of politicians who serve that cause.

Project Fear won in Scotland once, with Cochrane in the vanguard, if the Greeks stand and fight, that may prove to be the zenith of their rotten lies

Next time, it will be down to all in Blighty to defy Darling, Brown, Cochrane the BBC the EU et al in Project Fear and vote for freedom.