Saturday 14 February 2015

To be free and British is but a memory

comment this morning in the Spectator article by Nick Cohen about Cameron and understanding the British...

..." David Cameron’s one law for the rich shows he doesn’t understand the British "

I wonder whether anything remains that is recognisably British ?

Anything at least that could not be betrayed stolen and sold off at a knockdown price to feed the Thatcherite Tory infestation ?

I think that the Thatcherite Tories understood the British well enough.

Sufficient at least to infest the British body politic with their parasitical worm of crony capitalism, to give life to their hatred and unbounded greed , to feed upon our state as they hollowed it out from the inside 'till only a dying shell remains.

A strange Island inhabited by fear-filled, defeated cheated powerless, voiceless willing villainy, fit only for the endless enui, the living torment that is their EU Project.

To be free and British is but a memory, of a time when the British were distinctive,

recognisable at once by our buildings, ships, locomotives, cars, paintings, art, literature, books, films, music, theatre clothes and language...all, oddly, fatally, despised by Thatcher and her army of Tory spivs.

They won, and now, nothing much remains of the British as we were,

as an indomitable people that believed in ourselves.

But the Scots, and, perhaps, the English, may yet fight for democracy,
for self determination and civilisation,
the restoration of the Kingdoms where people were sovereign, and wherein the common people defend the common weal against parasitic infections like Cameron and the Toady parliament in Westminster.

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